Nabízím pozici / hledám místo (i pro studenty, doktorandy)


Researcher in the field of flow cytometry – a maternity and parental leave substitute job
Faculty of Science, Charles University, offers the position of a researcher in Imaging Methods Core Facility at BIOCEV (https://www.biocev.eu/imcf) as a substitute for a colleague on maternity and parental leave.
More information can be found HERE.


Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR, Centrum strukturní a funkční genomiky rostlin v Olomouci hledá do svého týmu vědeckého pracovníka / asistenta, jehož primární pracovní náplní bude supervize dvou flow sorterů BD FACSAria a dvou analyzátorů Partec/Sysmex (odpovědnost za nastavení a správné využití, koordinace techniků zajištujících rutinní experimenty, komunikace s výzkumným skupinami na pracovišti, podle schopností a zájmu pak i vývoj nových metod). Pozice je vhodná i pro absolventa VŠ bez praxe se zájmem o cytometrické techniky.
Kontakt: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Doležel, DrSc., Email: dolezel@ueb.cas.cz 


Odborný pracovník oddělení Vývoje Produktu
Společnost EXBIO nabízí pracovní pozici "Odborný pracovník oddělení Vývoje Produktu". 
Více informací ZDE.


Postodctoral Scientist, Research Assitatn, Bionformatician
The Lab of Adaptive Immunity at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences headed by Ondrej Stepanek focuses on the T-cell signaling, T-cell diversity, and T-cell fate decisions for our new ERC-funded project

3-year postdoc in Cellular Immunology, Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy
I am seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to study the cellular basis of human memory T cell differentiation and effector T cell responses in human bone marrow transplantation and cancer. The lab is specialized in the identification and characterization of novel lymphocyte subsets by using high-dimensional single cell analysis (30-parameter polychromatic flow cytometry/cell sorting and single cell RNA sequencing) and in testing their relevance in anti-tumor and anti-viral responses. Full access to Humanitas facilities (flow cytometry, genomics, microscopy, bioinformatics, SPF mouse house) will be granted.
The position, funded by a Starting Grant from the ERC, is initially available for 3 years and is renewable (salary will be commensurate with experience). Italians working abroad for more than 2 years wishing to return to Italy or non-Italian candidates are eligible for 90% tax discount for up to 4 years.
The optimal candidate would have a PhD in cellular immunology, a strong track record and be skillful in flow cytometry, cell culture, cell-based assays and basic molecular techniques. Previous experience in the analysis of complex flow cytometry datasets is highly preferred but not essential (we will train). The successful candidate should be able to carry out projects independently and is expected to collaborate with other members of the laboratory, of the institute and with international collaborators. Fluent English (written and spoken) is required.
To apply, please send a motivation letter, a 2-page CV (no European format), and the contact information (or letters of recommendation) of at least 2 referees to Enrico Lugli (enrico.lugli@humanitasresearch.it)


Odborný pracovník oddělení Vývoje Produktu (EXBIO)
Bližší informace naleznete zde / More details here


Bližší informace naleznete zde / More details here


Rostock University Medical Center engages in a long-term cooperation with leading biotechnology companies in the Federal State aiming at the development of a personalized vaccine for the treatment of colon and pancreas carcinoma patients. The project has received grant-sponsorship from the Ministry of Economics, Employment and Health of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (TBI V-1-244-VBW-085-084, PiCoP project). Within the project several positions can be filled. We are looking for a physician, biologist or master of science - life sciences for a full-time position (39h and 42h resp./week) starting on April 15, 2018. Further information can be found at https://karriere.med.uni-rostock.de/karriere/bewerberportal/aerzte-und-wissenschaftliches-personal/ (ads 92E /2018 and 96E /2018). We are also looking for a technician for a full-time position (39h resp./week) starting on April 15, 2018. Further information on that position can be found at https://karriere.med.uni-rostock.de/karriere/bewerberportal/verwaltung-und-nichtwissenschaftliches-personal/ (ad 90E /2018). 


PhD Position in Cancer Research – Plasticity and Heterogeneity of Cancer
The PhD programme will provide opportunities for research and teaching experience at the Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Science, Masaryk University, International Clinical Research Center and nearby research institutions in Brno, Czech Republic. PhD positions are available immediately to study various aspects of tumor heterogeneity and plasticity. Two PhD positions are available to outstanding young scientists with biological background and clearly demonstrated potential for future independent and highly successful scientific career. 
Bližší informace naleznete zde / More details here


Sales manager junior – CZ/SK
Společnost EXBIO Praha, a.s. nabízí pracovní pozici v obchodním oddělení.
Bližší informace naleznete zde.


Asistent/ka prodeje – CZ/SK
Společnost EXBIO Praha, a.s. nabízí pracovní pozici v obchodním oddělení.
Bližší informace naleznete zde.

Odborný pracovník oddělení Vývoje Produktu
Společnost EXBIO Praha, a.s. nabízí pracovní pozici do vývoje produktu.
Bližší informace naleznete zde.

Chromatografický technik výroby
Společnost EXBIO Praha, a.s. nabízí pracovní pozici do oddělení výroby.
Bližší informace naleznete v PDF zde.

PhD pozice
Department of Cytokinetics, Institute of Biophysics CAS, Brno

PhD pozice
CLIP-Cytometrie, UK 2.LF Praha

Laboratorní pracovník - Cytometrista
CLIP-Cytometrie, UK 2.LF Praha

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