Webinář k průtokové cytometrii

08.04 - 08.04.2020 Webinar https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6235954269433301516?source=BR?WT.mc_id=200304027781 2020-04-08 00:00 2020-04-08 00:00 Europe/Prague Webinář k průtokové cytometrii Webinar

Bio-Rad and De Novo Software have collaborated to provide a seamless transition from acquisition to results . In this webinar we will discuss how to utilize Bio-Rad's ZE5 Cell Analyzer to easily acquire high quality data for all size labs, experiments, and projects. We will then discuss how to seamlessly move from data to final results with FCS Express. Optimizations in FCS Express, made possible by the new collaboration with Bio-Rad, have made analyzing data from the ZE5 Cell Analyzer easier than ever before. Join this webinar to gain further insights into flow cytometry data acquisition, to learn more about Bio-Rad's advanced cytometry systems, and to see how FCS Express can quickly turn your data into publication ready results. 

Presented by: 
Xiaoti Guo - Global Product Manager - Bio-Rad Laboratories
Sean Burke - Senior Product Manager- De Novo Software




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